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Too Cool To Die
Love = Power,
Power = Strength,
Strength = Courage
These children fight like hell,
and they're too cool to die.
Please share the song......Please share the love
Hunter's Mom on Twitter:
Hunter's Dad on Twitter:
This is the MOST perfect song to celebrate the life and courageous spirit of our lil' love. Created by Simone Benyacar and Alexis Harte, they've truly captured the essence of Hunter, the happiness of his ife and the power of his love.
Please support the FIGHT:
100% of the proceeds go into the Healing Hunter Fund where they will be appropriately dispersed to the research efforts towards AML Leukemia, families touched by cancer, as well as to the organizations that so graciously helped, supported and encouraged us during Hunter's fight. We could not have done it without them and they will be forever appreciated.
How this beautiful Song came about:
A few months ago we were asked to write a song. This is not an unusual request, but it was the most difficult song we have ever written. It wasn't just any song. It was a Song for Hunter.
Hunter was a little boy who lost his battle with AML Leukemia on March 8th 2010. He was kind, brave and hilariously funny. He was only 3 1/2 years old. We never met Hunter, but we discovered his story through a friend of ours who introduced us to his parents' blog that documented his journey. Reading about his courage and looking into his eyes though pictures, we realized that we had to do something. "Something" became a song in his honor.
We first decided to write a song as a gift to his parents. But then we realized that we could do something bigger. We could help other children and their families who are battling this disease. So we decided to write a song that honored Hunter while raising money for leukemia research through the Healing Hunter Foundation. (www.healinghunter.com)
Now we had a goal, but that didn't make it any easier. How we could possibly write something meaningful enough to honor such an amazing boy? A very tall order indeed. After many weeks and many unfinished songs in the garbage, we finally found our inspiration.
Inspiration came in the from of a little home video of Hunter and his parents at the beach, enjoying the sun, the breeze, and the crashing waves. Hunter was so happy, and his infectious smile and giggle brought us all the more close to him. How do we honor Hunter? The answer was simple...celebrate his life.
And so, a "Day At The Sea" was born. It took us nearly 4 months to compose, record (including recording an amazing children choir), produce and mix the final version.
We truly hope you enjoy the song and help us spread the word to raise money for much needed research.
Thank You
Alexis Harte
Simone Benyacar
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what a beautiful tribute to an amazing little boy!
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