Happy Birthday Love!
You turned 4 years old today. Wow. SUCH a big boy.
I want to start out by telling you how very proud your dad and I am of you. You are a remarkable little boy and we love you so, so much. You made us realize what life is all about and we are forever grateful to you for that......our lives are now enhanced with such an abundance of love. You inspire us, you encourage us, you define us, you enlighten us. We will forever celebrate your laughter and your smile, your fight and your courage, your bravery and perseverance. You are truly our hero and we will honor your life and your valiant efforts.....always. Like your dad said - "We lived our life for you and we couldn't have asked for a better King". And a King you were. You were always so gracious and kind and loving. Always so appreciative, and gentle and warm. I can still feel your wonderful lil' arms wrapped around my neck as you'd squeeze me and love me til' no end.

There is not a day that goes by that you are not in our thoughts. Your dad and I speak of you often and remember just how wonderful you are and we can only hope that all of our children turn out with the same wonderful spirit and love for life as you have.

You are so very important to me. You are now what encourages me to get out of bed every single day and live. You dance through my mind and tickle my heart and I want you to know exactly how many times and when it is that I think of you......
I think of you as soon as I wake........every single day. I open my eyes and you are the first thing that enters my mind. I smile knowing that you'll be with me throughout my entire day, adding that beautiful lil' Hunter glow to everything my eyes take in.
I then go into my jewelry box and put on your necklace. I am never without it. I kiss it before I put it around my neck and it reminds me that you are close to my heart, keeping it safe......keeping it protected.

I think of you when I go into our closet - you used to love to play hide and seek in my clothes. There are some photos of you in there as well as Hudson Hornet and Tex. I also have your lego James and Percy next to them - I greet them all hello when they catch my attention.

I think of you when I come downstairs......one of my favorite pictures of you and dad is right on the counter and I light a candle every time one goes out. You are a constant burning flame that brightens my mornings and keeps me grounded.

I think of you every time I open the refrigerator - we have two photos of you on the front and I smooch them constantly. My lip prints are all over them!

I think of you when I see beautiful flowers......I remember how much you loved them and how you would always show me and make me take a sniff. You'd find the tiniest lil' flowers......

I think of you when I am on my laptop and using my iPhone.....you always kept them both so close and were VERY computer and iPhone savvy. You could use them both better than most adults. tee hee

I think of you when we are at the beach or near water.....you used to love to take walks with dad......or by yourself for that matter. I was always close behind.....watching you, admiring you......loving you.

I think of you when I see an amazing sunset and wonder if that's you up there dancing around creating beautiful color combinations with your groovy moves.

I think of you every time I hear this song Manhattan from the Kings of Leon. This was our theme song when you got your Bone Marrow Transplant. I love when they sing the words - "I yelp and scream......and away I ride".
I, of COURSE, think of you every SINGLE time I see Lightning McQueen and the rest of the gang. He was your absolute favorite and I'll have to say......he's a pretty cool guy - much like you.

I want to start out by telling you how very proud your dad and I am of you. You are a remarkable little boy and we love you so, so much. You made us realize what life is all about and we are forever grateful to you for that......our lives are now enhanced with such an abundance of love. You inspire us, you encourage us, you define us, you enlighten us. We will forever celebrate your laughter and your smile, your fight and your courage, your bravery and perseverance. You are truly our hero and we will honor your life and your valiant efforts.....always. Like your dad said - "We lived our life for you and we couldn't have asked for a better King". And a King you were. You were always so gracious and kind and loving. Always so appreciative, and gentle and warm. I can still feel your wonderful lil' arms wrapped around my neck as you'd squeeze me and love me til' no end.

There is not a day that goes by that you are not in our thoughts. Your dad and I speak of you often and remember just how wonderful you are and we can only hope that all of our children turn out with the same wonderful spirit and love for life as you have.

You are so very important to me. You are now what encourages me to get out of bed every single day and live. You dance through my mind and tickle my heart and I want you to know exactly how many times and when it is that I think of you......
I think of you as soon as I wake........every single day. I open my eyes and you are the first thing that enters my mind. I smile knowing that you'll be with me throughout my entire day, adding that beautiful lil' Hunter glow to everything my eyes take in.
I then go into my jewelry box and put on your necklace. I am never without it. I kiss it before I put it around my neck and it reminds me that you are close to my heart, keeping it safe......keeping it protected.

I think of you when I go into our closet - you used to love to play hide and seek in my clothes. There are some photos of you in there as well as Hudson Hornet and Tex. I also have your lego James and Percy next to them - I greet them all hello when they catch my attention.

I think of you when I come downstairs......one of my favorite pictures of you and dad is right on the counter and I light a candle every time one goes out. You are a constant burning flame that brightens my mornings and keeps me grounded.

I think of you every time I open the refrigerator - we have two photos of you on the front and I smooch them constantly. My lip prints are all over them!

I think of you when I see beautiful flowers......I remember how much you loved them and how you would always show me and make me take a sniff. You'd find the tiniest lil' flowers......

I think of you when I am on my laptop and using my iPhone.....you always kept them both so close and were VERY computer and iPhone savvy. You could use them both better than most adults. tee hee

I think of you when we are at the beach or near water.....you used to love to take walks with dad......or by yourself for that matter. I was always close behind.....watching you, admiring you......loving you.

I think of you when I see an amazing sunset and wonder if that's you up there dancing around creating beautiful color combinations with your groovy moves.

I think of you every time I hear this song Manhattan from the Kings of Leon. This was our theme song when you got your Bone Marrow Transplant. I love when they sing the words - "I yelp and scream......and away I ride".
I, of COURSE, think of you every SINGLE time I see Lightning McQueen and the rest of the gang. He was your absolute favorite and I'll have to say......he's a pretty cool guy - much like you.

In fact Mater is still up on the wall from your birthday last year. I'll never take him down. Every time I look towards the front door, I see him and think happy thoughts of you.

I thought of you when Ryder was born.......I remembered the day you came into our lives. It was SUCH an amazing day....one I will cherish for the rest of my life and never, ever forget.

I think of you when I take your necklace off at nighttime. It's too heavy to sleep with and I don't want anything to happen to it - it's very, very special to me. I then Kiss it again and gently place it back in my box.
I think of you when I lay my head down to sleep. I see your handprint and think of you waving hello. I always wish you sweet dreams and blow kisses up to the sky.

........I think of you always........you are a part of me. Every breath, every heartbeat and every smile.
Thank you for being in our lives and for being the phenomenal child that you are. We love stronger because of you. We love deeper because of you. We love more wholeheartedly because of you. You are the rhythm of our hearts and the strength of your love is what keeps them beating......even though there are times when they truly feel as if they've stopped. However, the thought of your brilliant smile and splendid love usually gets them going again. Such fond memories we have of you and your life.

Your shining personality and infectious giggle captured thousands of hearts all around the world.....that's quite an amazing accomplishment. You continue to inspire people, encourage people, and bring people together......you've made such a difference in this world. You made a lasting impression and I want you to know that you are thought of every single day by so many people that hold your precious spirit in their hearts.......my little love, the heart stealer. You will forever be our little rockstar, a legend......the boy who stole our hearts and made us cry.

We will celebrate your life all day long......and for all the days to come.

This is one of my favorite videos to remember and I want you to know that today I am helping you blow out YOUR candles. I've made a wish and I hope with all my heart.....it comes true.
Your famous jam......I loved, loved, LOVED the way you'd show off your perfected dance moves. Sooooo original. Always ready for MORE.
I thought you would like to see your favorite scene from Cars - Lightning and Mater tractor tippin'. We must have watched this a million times. It still makes me laugh.
And of course, I had to include "Mater and the Ghostlight".....another favorite. I can still hear you giggling when mater finally sees the light. tee hee.